Brief Introduction
Yandex is a leading Internet portal and search engine in Russia with over 6 million unique visitors per day. The company is focused on the Russian-speaking audience. Its in-depth local knowledge of Russia gives it a clear competitive edge in the Russian Internet market.
Yandex Search Market Share In Russian-speaking countries
Main business
Yandex's main income is from the search results page ad. Every day 21 million copies of the ads are shown here with more than 120,000 advertisers. The main task is to give users answers on questions.
Website features
Yandex Service
According to TNS data statistics, Yandex search accounted for 80% of the Russian Internet.
In addition, many other Yandex services are also in the first place.Yandex services include: Yandex.Market, Yandex maps, blog search, Yandex traffic, Yandex.Money, Yandex mail and Yandex news.
Many types of different advertising to achieve your marketing goals: